Learn About Our Saviour's Beliefs

When we speak of faith, we think of our journey in life and our spiritual quest in finding out the origin, purpose and meaning of life — and how it specifically applies to our personal lives. We search for truth and faith in a creator that is as almighty as the very origin, breadth and depth of the universe — and yet as small and personal to be in each of our own lives on a daily basis.

Belief In God

At Our Saviour's Lutheran Church, the community is made up of many people who recognize God as the almighty creator of the universe, who so loves us that He sent his son Jesus Christ as a worldly and personal savior and who enables us to have a daily personal relationship with him through his Holy Spirit. From the overwhelming evidence of how God created the universe, along with the testaments of history and faith found in the Holy Bible and the miracles found all around us, people have come to faith in God, the Holy Spirit and his son Jesus.

“Everyone is welcome... And the coffee is always on if you're just looking for great company.”

About Faith At Our Saviour's

Our faith community includes people at every stage on the journey to faith. For some, the evidence is overwhelming, the search is short and faith is almost immediate and strong. For most, faith is a journey, with many paths and questions and takes time to develop. We are here to encourage, support, educate and nurture each other in our quest and path to enduring faith. We are the welcoming place for all in Christ.